A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

I made a few games but this is the first I have published this.

This is a Recreation of the popular mobile game Angry Birds.

And note the Mac version has not been tested I'm sorry if it is unplayable and for Linux users I had issues exporting it so there isn't a Linux sorry.


Penguins Diet v1.2 Windows.zip 20 MB
Peguins Diet v1.2 Mac.app.zip 20 MB

Development log


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Mac Version works after chmodding the executable (located in .app file /Contents/MacOS. Open the terminal and type sudo chmod a+x ~/Downloads/Peguins\ Diet\ v1.2\ Mac.app/Contents/MacOS/Angy\ Birbs - After doing this right click on the app file and press open, when it shows the security warning click cancel, then do it again and click “open”, this time it should open the game :)

Thanks for telling me the Mac version works and how to download it for other Mac users!

No problem :)